Ripponden & Rishworth

Everything You Need to Know About Functional Fitness

Everything You Need to Know About Functional Fitness
Functional Fitness: Let’s Beat the Back to Work Blues


Functional training is a term that’s being heavily thrown around in the fitness realm… but what does it actually entail? Read ahead to learn all the basics of this high-reward exercise style plus how it can benefit you throughout the colder months and beyond. 

As the leaves start to fall and the SPF 50 resumes its position in the back of the bathroom cabinet (until next year, old friend), the dreaded post-summer blues is something many of us suffer from at this time of year. Thankfully, there’s plenty we can do to manage our stress levels – and switching up your workout routine is indeed one of them.

If this creates a mental image of pounding a treadmill while staring at a soulless wall, fear not! There’s a far more practical, accessible, and actually *enjoyable* form of movement that’s well worth having on your radar. Enter: functional fitness. 


In this blog, I’ll be covering:


  • What is functional fitness?
  • What are the benefits of functional training?
  • Is functional fitness suitable for everyone?
  • What does a functional fitness workout look like?
  • What are the best functional fitness exercises?


Without further ado, let’s get into it…


What is functional fitness?


Also referred to as ‘functional training’, this form of exercise is all about supporting your overall strength – ultimately allowing you to feel your best while going about those everyday tasks. The beauty of functional fitness is that it mimics your movements, strategically training your body for increased range of motion and stability. 

This is particularly great news for those who would rather lunge in the living room than undertake the intimating gym machinery. You may well be pleased to hear that functional fitness involves bodyweight or free weight exercises as opposed to relying on machines. This is because it focuses on using multiple muscles and joints (also known as ‘compound exercises’) – conditioning them for daily movements. 

Fun fact: Isolated exercises, on the other hand, work just one muscle group at a time. While this is great for someone looking to grow their glutes, it’s not going to make a great deal of impact when improving your fitness as a whole.

So, whether you find yourself depleted from lugging multiple shopping bags around the town or want to strengthen your back after having kids, functional training has got you covered.


What are the benefits of functional training?


It improves your stability


Take it from me: your stability is not something you want to sleep on. While you might associate it with the elder generation, stability plays a key role in keeping us safe while exercising – as well as in everyday life – and that goes for every age group and fitness ability. Functional fitness works to improve balance and challenge stability to make you resilient to risk of injury. 


It takes you back to basics with movement


Functional fitness empowers us to get to know our bodies better, correcting the questionable techniques we have adopted while navigating our hectic lifestyles. Just think of your body like a car. There’s many intricate parts at play that need to work together in order for the vehicle (you) to operate efficiently. Get your mechanics right, and your everyday life will be a much smoother journey.

It makes you stronger, mentally and physically


You don’t need us to say that life can feel like *quite* the challenge at times. That’s why being fit is about so much more than having cheese grater abs or a perfectly peachy behind. Being fit means you feel strong enough to take on the everyday without depleting all of your precious energy. It enables you to think clearer, work harder, and love more. Because when you feel strong in the body and mind, you can take on whatever life throws at you – and functional exercises are the essential building blocks to getting you there.


Is functional fitness suitable for everyone?


The best part of functional training? It can be tailored to suit everyone, regardless of age or ability.

In fact, if you’re dreading returning to the office after a summer holiday or feeling tight after your busiest work season yet, functional fitness is the perfect solution.

Let’s face it: working al desko is unavoidable in today’s digital world. And without taking the right precautions through exercise, it can have a serious impact on our posture – potentially leading to rounded shoulders as a result. That’s where functional training comes into its own. 

Each exercise is designed to strengthen the core muscles, improve body alignment and support hip and shoulder mobility. Ideal for office 9-5ers, ever-growing teens and those struggling with joint pain alike. 


Check out our blog on Strength Training for Over 40s here. 


What does a functional fitness workout look like?


Now we’ve covered the basics of functional fitness, you’ll no doubt have questions around what the workouts actually consist of. 

Of course, each functional training session will look different depending on the person’s goals or ability. But it will typically include an endorphin-packed blend of both cardio and strength focused exercises to cover all bases in one go. Convenient, effective and mood boosting? We’re in!


What are the best functional fitness exercises?


Here’s my top 10 functional fitness exercises for increasing power, speed, and mobility:


  • Squat 
  • Push up
  • Jumping jacks
  • Lateral bounds
  • Plank
  • Push up
  • Single leg deadlift
  • Pull up
  • Deadlift
  • Burpees


One final note…


I know how challenging this time of year can be: from gaining pesky holiday weight to seeing the kids into a new academic year (my eldest is starting high school, which has been particularly stressful!), you’re not alone in feeling lost. I hope this blog has given you some much needed inspiration to put your mental and physically wellbeing first. 

And if you want a helping hand? Back to Fitness Rehab Barn has everything you need to feel truly supported in your fitness journey. Head over here to find out more. 

Take care,

Charlotte x