Ripponden & Rishworth

Dreaming of a White Christmas ☃️

Dreaming of a White Christmas ☃️

For many, It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

Whether it’s chowing down on a mince pie (or seven – Susan!), sipping on mulled wine by a roaring fire, or digging deep in the box of Quality Street to find the last Green Triangle, there’s no denying that It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

But before you Step into Christmas and start winding down for the festive period, there’s a few really important things you should do.

So, put down that mince pie (for now at least) and plan how you can best use your time between now and the end of the year to get you off to the best possible start in 2024.

All I want for Christmas…is to fill my 2024 diary: Now is a good time to start filling in your diary for the next 12 months. Schedule in important dates, events and holidays. By planning ahead and having clarity about what next year needs to look like, you’re much more likely to stick to your guns and have a productive 2024.

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…bucket loads of C-L-A-R-I-T-Y:

I’ve officially declared 2024 as the year of clarity. What does clarity in you life look like?

What do you care about next year? I always start with the ‘stuff’ that’s nothing to do with work – the personal stuff. Where do I want to go next year? What do I want to do? Family, personal goals, that sort of thing, ‘cos those are the things we really care about. On a cold, February morning, that’s what’ll get you doing the right things. You have to care enough about where you want to be.

Don’t be lonely this Christmas…Get connected with people you haven’t spoken with for a while – go on, give it a go!

By taking the time to forward plan for 2024 now, you’ll be leaps and bounds ahead by the time the first verse of Auld Lang Syne is sung on December 31st.

We have had a fantastic year here at the clinic. We’ve formed a wonderful clinical team with the addition of Freya and McKenzie and increased our admin support with Flora and Hannah. Susan and I are still here, doing what we always have for the past 17 years 😂.

Thank you so much for being part of our 2023, and here’s to 2024 🥂

Seasons greetings,


🎄 Christmas Card from us – click 🎶 🎅🏻